Stress-Busting Meditation Workshop

6 February, 2020

Stress-Busting Meditation Workshop

Approximate reading time: 1 - 2 minutes

Truth bomb: Most of us are living in the stress response mode on a daily basis. It has become our “norm”.

It creates anxiety and has so many negative effects mentally, physically and emotionally. It robs us from living to our full potential and is damaging in so many ways. In fact, no healing can take place, for any person, on any level, while they are in fight or flight response.

We know negative stress isn’t good for us. In fact, it’s believed that 95% of illnesses are caused by or aggravated by stress!!

Some of the problems caused or aggravated by prolonged stress are:

  • Anxiety & depression

  • Chronic fatigue syndrome

  • Chronic pain

  • Frequent infections

  • Sexual dysfunction

  • Headaches

  • Heart disease

  • Muscle stiffness

  • Sleep disturbances

  • Stroke

  • Gut problems

Emotional Support - Body & Brain Centre

Do you tick a few of these boxes?

How do you deal with stress?

When are you stressed?

This workshop is for anybody who is looking to identify, manage and reduce everyday stress. 

You’ll learn about the fight or flight response and its counterbalance, the relaxation response. What actually happens physically and mentally when we are constantly living in the stress response, and then the characteristics of the relaxation response. Better yet, how to achieve a state of relaxation.

When we understand the damaging effects and enormous negative impact that prolonged and unmanaged stress can have in our lives and on our health, we can realise how important it is to develop effective stress management techniques.

In this workshop, Holistic Counsellor, Chantelle discusses the importance of understanding stress and its damaging effects, as well as learning stress management techniques.

You’ll learn a muscle relaxation exercise, breathwork and simple meditation.

The session will end with a guided relaxation to leave you on a beautiful high.

Interested in coming along to our next workshop? Check out our events page for a full list of upcoming events.

Appointments available in Moonee Ponds or online.

About the Author


Chantelle Iacuone - Holistic Counsellor, Meditation Instructor & Yoga Teacher

Chantelle is a compassionate and caring holistic counsellor. She incorporates heart rate variability training, meditation, yoga and traditional counselling techniques. She's known for her caring nature. Chantelle regularly helps people overcome anxiety, depression and stress and navigate life transitions like separation or changing jobs.