Turmeric - As Good As all the Hype?

18 June, 2020

Turmeric - As Good As all the Hype?

Approximate reading time: 2 - 4 minutes

Coconut oil, goji berries, kale. We have all heard the superfood trends. Is tumeric just another one to add to the list?

How does turmeric work it’s magic?

Turmeric is filled with goodies! The most talked about active ingredient is curcumin. There are also others like turmerones.

These active ingredients work together to:

  • Boost liver detoxification

  • Enhance immunity

  • Normalise hormone levels such as cortisol & osteogen

  • Keep neurotransmitter (brain chemicals) levels in check

  • Help grow new nerve cells and decrease oxidative stress

  • Decreases pain signals (nociception)

Turmeric also works on the gut-brain connection by creating a healthy gut microbiome diversity and repairing damaged gut walls - also called leaky gut syndrome.

How turmeric works - the fancy technical words

Turmeric stops the production of lots of pro-inflammatory chemicals, including phospholipase, lipoxygenase (LOX), COX-2, leukotrienes, thromboxane, PGs, NO, collagenase, elastase, hyaluronidase, TNF-α, and IL-12.

Through the regulation of these inflammatory chemicals there's flow on effects. For example, reduce tissue oestrogen production.

What can turmeric be used for?

You’ve heard turmeric is beneficial for health. It sparked your interest. But what is it really good for? Well the research is vast!

  • Depression & mental health

  • Inflammation

  • Gut dysfunction such as reflux, peptic ulcers & stomach cramps

  • Cardiovascular diseases

Is there actually any research for turmeric?

Yes - there’s over 11,700 scientific publications on turmeric and its wide range of benefits. Not only that, it’s been used medicinally for over 6 000 years in Traditional Indian Medicine (Ayurveda).

Turmeric has longevity & science to back up its claims. That’s why we think it’s a superstar spice!

What is the best way to get turmeric?

Some studies suggest that up to 90% of ingested turmeric is lost to the toilet. That leaves only 10% to be absorbed to work it’s wonders in the body!

This is why we use a bioenhanced form of turmeric called BCM-95®. Human studies have shown that it has up to 700% better absorption for use in the body, compared to standard turmeric extract.

However it’s not just about the turmeric. Turmeric has been shown to exponentially improve your symptoms especially when coupled with other natural nutrients.

We use different formulations for short term vs chronic inflammation or for pain relief from fibromyalgia vs pain relief from arthritis. It’s not about looking for the prettiest, shiniest label on the supermarket shelf but about getting the nutrient combination that’s best for you and your symptoms.

It sounds like a “wonder-drug”! Should everyone take turmeric?

No. Firstly not everyone will need turmeric.

Like all supplements, chemicals and medications, turmeric can have some side effects if not prescribed by a qualified health practitioner. Turmeric can interfere with certain medications and cause upset gut or reduce fertility if not taken correctly. Some turmeric formulations can be taken while pregnant or breastfeeding but others shouldn't.

This is why we take a thorough history and assess your health prior to prescribing any supplements. That's what you deserve!

I think I could benefit from turmeric. What do I do now?

Speak to your qualified Naturopath, Dietitian, Acupuncturist or holistic Chiropractor. They will assess your overall health to determine whether it’s worth spending your money on or not! They recommend the best formulation for you. We stock almost 10 different varieties of turmeric so that we can get the right blend for you!

They’ll also provide you with a holistic plan.

  • When should you take your turmeric for maximal effects

  • What other foods should you be eating

  • Should you have physical treatment to assist with the pain as well as chemically reducing the pain with turmeric?

Appointments available in Moonee Ponds or online.


  • Turmeric is amazing for so many things - but not everything and everyone
  • Turmeric has several important ingredients which work together to reduce inflammation, restore the gut lining, mediate healthy gut bacteria and have powerful antioxidative effects
  • Specific forms of turmeric are better absorbed by up to 700%, especially when coupled with the synergistic nutrients, correct dosage and right timing. This is why we stock almost 10 different varieties

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