Sports Chiropractic

17 March, 2017

Injury Management, Injury Prevention and Sports Performance Optimisation

Sports chiropractic, or chiropractic sport science, enhances athletic performance with a multi-directional approach: combining traditional chiropractic with massage and home exercises.

Sports chiropractors frequently see:

  • Rotator cuff injuries

  • Plantar fasciitis

  • Ankle sprains

  • Shoulder pain

  • Bursitis

  • Tendinopathies such as Achilles, jumper’s knee, tennis elbow & golfer’s elbow

  • Concussions and post-concussion neck stiffness & headaches

A detailed biomechanical structural and functional assessment precedes the creation of an individualised management plan including treatment of the spine, arms and legs.


We look at not only the injured tissue (the local muscle, joint, bone, tendon or ligament) but also at the global movement and posture of the whole body. For example, restriction in the hips or lower back may contribute to a shoulder injury. For this reason, we take the time to do a thorough assessment prior to forming your individualised management plan.

Sports Chiropractors:

  • Regularly read scientific research

  • Frequently treat non-spinal musculoskeletal conditions

  • Have a multi-faceted approach

  • Co-treat and refer to other health practitioners

Whole body treatment

Sports Chiropractors are trained in the assessment and appropriate management of all sports injuries. Gone are the days when Chiropractors purely treat the spine. We understand that the spine has an important impact on the rest of the body’s function and contributes to leg and arm pain and vice versa; the legs & arms can contribute to and aggravate spinal pain.

Don’t just chase the pain

A sports chiropractor understands that a knee injury, isn’t just a knee injury. Your foot may be collapsing or your hips and pelvis twisting or dropping which places extra load on the knee. If you treat the pain (knee) then your pain is likely to wax and wane as contributing factors have not been addressed. This is why a Sports Chiropractor will treat the pelvis, hip, knee, foot and ankle for knee pain.

At Body and Brain Centre, we know that knee pain changes the brain so we combine neuro-rehabilitation with sports chiropractic. Cassie is one of just nine practitioners in Australia qualified in these two areas. To combat these secondary brain changes, we must provide specific home exercises to target both the weak muscles, tight joints / muscles and the brain’s control of the knee.


Multi-faceted approach

Sports Chiropractic incorporates many modalities according to the patient's need. It might include:

  • Manual adjustments of the spine, legs & arms;

  • Low-force mobilisations of the spine, legs & arms;

  • Massage & stretching of the muscles & fascia

  • Rehabilitation exercises to strengthen weak muscles and improve the brain’s control of the movement

  • Sport specific advice such as running, squat, lifting, balance

  • Taping: dynamic Rocktape or supportive rigid taping

  • Laser therapy for reducing inflammation and promoting healing

  • Electrical stimulation to rehabilitate weak muscles

We are all so different: we wear different shoes, have different desks, perform different exercises and have different body structures. Therefore, everyone receives a unique approach at Body and Brain Centre.


If your injury requires surgery, your chiropractor will refer you to a surgeon. They will ensure that your body is prepared for surgery and after your surgery will support you during recovery.

Many times, sports injuries require altered movement patterns or activities to avoid. As such, we may speak to your coach, personal trainer, yoga teacher, pilates instructor, etc. to reduce the likelihood of accidental aggravation.

Appointments available in Moonee Ponds or online.

About the Author

Dr Cassie

Dr Cassie Atkinson-Quinton - Chiropractor, Pilates Instructor and Perinatal Yoga & Pilates Instructor

With 10 years experience treating musculoskeletal conditions, Cassie uses a range of therapies including gentle adjustments, specific massage techniques, laser therapy and home rehabilitation plans incorporating Pilates & yoga. She regularly treats headaches, migraines, back pain and sports injuries.