Infection Control Measures

25 March, 2020

This is a tough time for all.

We are all left questioning

  1. How can I keep safe and stop the spread? and

  2. What are the financial consequences?

So we wanted to address these two concerns.

We have expanded our capacity for online consultations and increased precautionary cleaning & sterilisation at the clinic.

Infection Control

We want you to know that we are going above our usual high standards.

We have stepped up and introduced new measures to protect you, our staff and the community during this time.

These include:

  • All staff and patients wearing masks.

  • Sterilising chairs, door handles, EFTPOS machine and other commonly touched areas every hour.

  • Hand sanitiser at reception and in each room. Please use this as you walk into and out of the clinic.

  • Treatment tables, electrodes and other reusable items are sterilised before and after each treatment.

  • Longer appointments to allow for extra sterilising and reduce crossover of patients in the waiting room. We apologise you may have some weird appointment times to accommodate this.

  • Pens are used only by one patient before getting sterilised.

  • No toys, magazines and reading material in the waiting room.

  • Non essential items removed from treatment rooms such as toys, pillows, blankets, etc.

  • Only patients and if necessary, a caregiver permitted into the clinic. We ask that other family members remain in the car or at home.

  • Online consultations available for dietetics / nutrition, naturopathy, holistic counsellingacupuncture, chiropractic rehabilitation and neuro-rehabilitation.

  • Staff are in self isolation if experiencing any symptoms or have been overseas within last 14 days.

  • Every patient is screened for their risk, including getting their temperature taken.

  • Using ‘tap and go’ for payments instead of cash or swiping cards to minimise contact.

  • Two waiting areas now in operation with chairs at least 1.5 meters apart.

  • If your practitioner is running behind schedule, you’ll be given a call so that you can wait in your car.

  • Where possible single-use disposable items are used (such as needles for acupuncture and dry needling).

Additional Staff Training

Our staff have also undertaken additional training from the Australian Government's Department of Health entitled 'Infection Control Training - COVID-19'.

Financial Assistance

We've found some small concessions we can make to ease the financial burden for you. You can stay up to date on these discounts via our newsletter, as well as our Facebook and Instagram accounts.

Some of these discounts we are actually losing money on. We know things are getting quieter so we are trying to minimise our losses and sell off stock at a loss. These discounts can only be found in our newsletter as a thank you to our patients for their continued support.

We send our love and support to those who are suffering right now.

Please reach out if we can be of any further assistance. We are here to serve you.

Appointments available in Moonee Ponds or online.

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