Stage 4 COVID-19 Restrictions

5 August, 2020

Stage 4 COVID-19 Restrictions

Can I see my Chiropractor during stage 4 COVID-19 lockdown?

Yes. You can but only for if required. For 'tune up' appointments, these need to be rescheduled until Thursday September 28th onwards.

Appointments will remain spaced out to reduce crossover of patients in the clinic. We are also maintaining our strict infection control measures.

What is deemed 'required' chiropractic?

Under stage 4 restrictions, you are only permitted to have hands on treatment if the absence or delay of treatment would result in a significant deterioration or change in your functional independence. This change would be great enough that you'd seek care from your GP, hospital or another service.

You may see your Chiropractor to:

  1. Avoid specialist or GP review

  2. Avoid increase in care needs and/or alternate accommodation

  3. Avoid hospital admission or emergency department presentation

  4. Avoid significant deterioration of your physical and / or mental health

If you are unsure if you require chiropractic, please reach out to your chiropractor:

  • Cassie's email

  • Anthony's email:

  • Tonilee's email:

I've already have an appointment booked in, what happens now?

Our Chiropractors are going through their appointment diaries to see who is eligible for chiropractic care under stage 4 restrictions. If eligible, our Chiropractors will be contacting you shortly to confirm your appointment. Your appointment time may change to accomodate the latest restrictions.

Those ineligible will be rescheduled until after stage 4 lockdown from Monday 28th September onwards. We'll be in contact with you in the next few days to reschedule. If your pain or injury changes prior to your appointment, and you do require care, please contact us and we can help you book in if appropriate.

How do I make a Chiropractic appointment during stage 4 restrictions?

We have disabled online bookings during this time as we can see significant cases, such as emergency sessions. Instead please contact our reception directly on or call us on 03 9326 2842. We will be closely monitoring our emails and listening to all voicemails. We'll help assess your eligibility and book your appointment if required.

Online bookings are available for Monday 28th September onwards when stage 4 restrictions are predicted to ease.

Can I keep my Acupuncture appointment during Stage 4 COVID-19 restrictions?

No. You cannot come in for Acupuncture during stage 4 restrictions. You can still continue your care with secure video consultations to update your herbal formula, provide you with acupressure points to use and even send you a home treatment kit.

Discover more about what online Acupuncture has to offer.

Can I get a Massage during stage 4 COVID-19 lockdown?

No. You cannot get a massage during stage 4 restrictions.

If you are in severe pain, you can see one of our Chiropractors. Our chiropractors use massage, taping, stretches and rehab as part of their treatments as well as chiropractic specific techniques. Chiropractors are only available for emergency cases.

Can I see my Naturopathy during stage 4 COVID-19 lockdown?

Yes - you can have an online consultation with your naturopath, but you cannot see your Naturopath in person. Your telehealth consultation will still involve the same high level of professionalism, but from the convenience of your home. If you require herbs or supplements, Alex will send them directly to your home.

Find out more about what assessments and treatment options are available for online naturopathy consultations.

Can I keep my Dietetic appointment during stage 4 COVID-19 lockdown?

Yes. You can for an online dietetic consultation, or if necessary, for face to face consultations in our Moonee Ponds clinic. The same expert advice is given whether via secure video consultations or in person.

Want to know more about what your dietitian will do on an online consultation? Find your answers here.

Who is eligible for face to face dietetic consultations?

Where possible, it's asked that dietetic appointments be performed via telehealth. If you require face to face communication or a hands on assessment, then you'll be able to come in for an appointment. These can be booked by emailing reception on or leaving a voicemail at 03 9326 2842.

Telehealth consultations can continue to be booked online via our virtual clinic.

Can I see my Counsellor during stage 4 COVID-19 lockdown?

Yes. You can see your Counsellor for telehealth sessions only. All face to face counselling consultations have been suspended until stage 4 restrictions ease.

Unfortunately, biofeedback sessions are not available during this time, however Chantelle can continue to advise you throughout this time using different techniques.

Learn more about what can be achieved with online counselling sessions.

Can I continue Neurofeedback during Stage 4 COVID-19 restrictions?

Sort of. You cannot come into the clinic for neurofeedback sessions, however, we can set you up with the equipment and train you to perform neurofeedback at home. This is still professionally monitored and the settings adjusted remotely. We also will regularly check in how you are feeling.

If you are interested, please contact Cassie directly on

Reception Hours

During this time, we ask for your patience as we will not have the same capabilities for reception hours. We will be checking the voicemail as well as emails regularly.

Booking Appointments

Telehealth appointments can be booked online through our Virtual Clinic.

All face to face consultations must be booked directly through reception to determine your eligibility. Please contact us on

Online Services

Appointments available in Moonee Ponds or online.

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