FAQs About Chiropractic

Types of chiropractor appointments available

First appointment

Duration: 40 minutes

Details: We look for the cause of your symptoms through comprehensive assessments.

Note: After you book your appointment, you will get an email with a pre-consultation form attached. To make best use of your appointment time, please fill this in ahead of time. Send any letters from other practitioners, MRIs, CAT scans, or X-rays.
If you don't fill it in, please arrive 10 minutes early to complete the form.

Second appointment

Duration: 30 minutes

Details: We’ll explain in detail the cause of your problem and the options we have on how it can be addressed. Your action plan will include home exercises, in-clinic treatments, or referral to specialists.

Regular appointments

Duration: 15-20 minutes

Details: You’ll get a treatment and we’ll review your home exercises. If your problem is more complicated, you may need an extended consultation (extra 10 minutes).

Review / Extended appointment

Duration: 30 minutes

Details: We’ll check how you’re going with a very specific assessment. This will also include a treatment.

FAQs about chiropractic

Is chiropractic based on science?


Chiropractic is based on the science of how the body works (physiology). There is growing evidence for the wide array of conditions that chiropractic is beneficial for.

Chiropractic Neuro-Rehabilitation is based on the science of the nervous system (neuroscience).

Are all chiropractors the same?


It is important to find the right practitioner for you and your family. Here’s more about our Chiropractors:

What’s the difference between chiropractors, physiotherapists and osteopaths?

There are many similarities:

  • All registered with Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency (AHPRA)

  • All have minimum 4-years full time university training in Bachelor of Health Science or Bachelor of Applied Science - majoring in their chosen field. Chiropractic is a 5-year degree.

  • All have knowledge of anatomy, physiology, pathology, neurology, orthopaedic assessment and diagnosis.

  • Philosophies, assessment, and ways of treating are becoming more similar (for those that keep up with clinical research)

The difference between Chiropractic, Osteopathy and Physiotherapy is in their approach, rather than the techniques they use. For example, contrary to popular beliefs, chiropractor doesn’t just release jammed up joints - but looks at why it’s locked up in the first place.

Chiropractic takes a holistic view of health by looking at the physical, chemical and emotional stresses that may be causing your aches and pains. This means assessing how you are moving (or not moving), what you are eating, how you think. A great example is migraines: your triggers could be eating too much cheese, sleeping in a funny position or getting stressed at work.

Individual practitioners will have a unique approach depending on their postgraduate education, clinical interests and personal experiences.

Bottom line: Choosing the right practitioner for you and your family will come down to the individual, rather than the profession.

Dr Cassie (Chiropractor) has done 5-years with her Bachelors and Masters as well as working towards her forth post-grad spanning neuroscience, brain training, neuro-developmental and sports rehabilitation.

She takes a full body approach incorporating Chiropractic adjustments with massage, rehabilitation, laser therapy and brain training exercises for chronic pain.

Dr Rabiah (Chiropractor) is a passionate chiropractor with experience across sports rehabilitation, neuro-rehab and biofeedback and working with kids. Her goal is empowerment- she wants you to walk away feeling confident how to help yourself.

Dr Tonilee (Chiropractor) grew up surrounded by sports with a keen interest in athletics, touch footy and equestrian. In addition to her years of experience in sports Chiropractic, she is equally passionate about care for the whole family, from expectant mothers to babies to grandparents.

Are there any rebates on chiropractic consultations?

Your Private Health Insurance extras cover may rebate your appointment. We offer instant rebates so that you’ll just have the gap to pay.

Other rebates may include:

Do you bulk bill Medicare rebates?

We do bulk bill for some appointments. Find out more here.